Worthing Meditation

Meditation Leads us to a peaceful way of living



Dear Friend

Thank you for visiting my website. In my view the practise of meditation is of benefit to all, regardless of religious beliefs or spiritual orientation. Although meditation is a spiritual practice it does not actually require belief, faith or the need to belong to a religion. If you already have a religion, our meditation practice will not undermine your beliefs. 

There are many approaches to meditation, some involving chants, mantras, prayers and prostrations. However, we  practice a simple mindful awareness meditation, sometimes coupled with  contemplative meditations.

Our meditation practice invites us to become  aware of space and 'being'. Most of us are readily aware of objects, form and the 'human' part of  'human being', but finding a balance between, human and being, outer and inner although difficult,  is essential to inner peace.  My view is that the primary purpose of our life's journey is ultimately  to discover who we truly are. The practise of meditation is a relatively simple step toward that discovery. Initially leading to the  realisation, that meditation is actually a way of life.

Members of this group mutually offer and receive guidance on mediation practice. No one claims to be a teacher, our members see each other as fellow travellers and companions, drawing inner strength from the mutual experience of meditation.  All seem to find this approach of shared personal experience helpful. However, it would be difficult to discuss and practise meditation without some reference to the Eastern teachings and Buddhist philosophy. So consideration of old and contemporary spiritual teachings, provide insight and are included where appropriate. There are no classes, courses, goals, study regimes or levels to attain within this group. While I readily accept these studious approaches have merit, I feel where meditation can ultimately lead, is for the individual practitioner to discover for themselves. 

We look forward to meeting you.       

Kind regards Lloyd


When invited I am able and willing to introduce meditation to other groups. Explaining the principles and philosophy behind the practice and  how it can be used in daily life. This approach would give folks some idea of what meditation is about. If you think this would be of interest to your group, please use the contact form and we can discuss details.


 Future Plans:

Due to the increasing demand for folks to include a meditation practice in their lives, later this year, we plan to hold a Tuesday afternoon meeting as well as the Tuesday evening meeting. This would give members a choice of either or both. Some members have said they would prefer an afternoon meeting, especially in the winter months. While these  groups are aimed at experienced and committed practitioners,  it seems it would be  helpful to  offer another meeting that would be suitable for folks who have not tried meditation before or who haven't practiced for a while. This meeting would share the philosophy behind meditation and explanations of the sitting practice. Helpful in deciding if meditation is for them.  The details and times are yet to be decided and would be at the same venue.

If you feel that this could be the group for you and are interested in joining, please contact us for further details.

About Us

The Worthing Meditation group was started in 2006.  Lloyd formed the group because he needed to meet and practice meditation with like-minded folks.


This group currently meets regularly, every other Tuesday evening, with a mid-summer break around August and a winter break around the festive season.

Find Us

41 The Boulevard
BN13 1JZ

01903 501921